Personal Electronic Devices

 It is the practice of the Durham District School Board that the use of personal electronic devices is prohibited during the school-day on school property. Unless deemed appropriate by the school administration for educational purposes and permission is granted by staff, a student who brings a personal electronic device to school, should turn it off and keep it out of sight. Personal electronic devices may be utilized off school property or in designated areas and during times assigned by the school. Personal electronic devices that are used inappropriately inside of schools during the normal school day are disruptive to the teaching and learning environment. The privacy and personal dignity of others could be violated by the inappropriate use of personal electronic devices to text message, social network, and/or share digital media. In addition, activities such as personal communication, game playing and social media use during class time may distract students from the teaching and learning unless it is part of the teacher’s lesson.

   Co-curricular programs, such as field trips and after-school events, are an extension of the classroom, and the expectations for the use of personal electronic devices apply.  Staff may approve the use of this technology for purposes of education and communication.

   The use of personal electronic devices is permitted to support students with special education needs who require digital tools to support their learning and/or self-regulation.