Our School

Sunset Heights has the feel of a small town school in the large, urban area of Oshawa. Tucked away in a mature, residential area in the northwest portion of the city, the school backs onto a ravine rising from the Oshawa Creek. Built in 1954, the Sunset Heights Public School has maintained a true sense of community and tradition of excellence. The school currently has a student population of over 340 pupils from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8, with English being the first language of the majority of the students.

Our school team is recognized for creating a welcoming atmosphere and working collegially with students and the community at large. We set key goals in the areas of literacy, numeracy and assessment to support student learning. We recognize the unique learning styles of our students and use a variety of instructional strategies to meet learning outcomes. We continue to focus on developing the “whole child” through academic, physical and social skills. Overall, we have aligned all academic programs to support areas of strengths, as well as to encourage growth in areas of need.

The school has an active School Community Council, committed to supporting the educational well-being of all students.

For parents

The DDSB parent portal provides specific information about your child's education.

Transportation, pick-up and drop-off


Due to traffic flow and busing needs during the COVID-19 pandemic, our Kiss N' Ride is currently closed.


The parking lot at Sunset Heights is for staff parking. Anyone visiting is asked to find street parking where allowed. Student safety is our primary focus over convenience.

Questions and concerns

If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s experience at school, begin by contacting your child's teacher. If you wish to meet with another staff member, contact the school office to book a meeting. Please remember to sign in at the school office when you arrive.